Monday, May 13, 2013

A Few Days In UB

After landing late Saturday night and having a few days to spend in UB (planes only fly to Bayankhongor Tuesdays and Fridays), I have been able to rest, prepare for the courses and visit sights I have seen on previous visits. In many ways I am thankful for this times as I have inherited a head cold - the rest has been helpful.

One place I have always enjoyed visiting is the Shukhbaatar Square in front of the government buildings.  There are three statues, one being Chinggis Khaan, the great conqueror of nations and hero of the Mongolian people.  In the past, there havel been ropes to block one off from climbing the steps to get a closer look.  However, as I was walking towards the square, music began to play and men dressed in military uniform staggered the steps leading up to the great Khaan.  There was no rope and I was able to climb up the stairs and get closer to Khaan himself.  After some pictures, I was able to visit the museum just behind the statues.

One other place I was able to visit was Gandan Tegchien Monastery, a Buddhist temple.  In touring the site, I saw a lot of people bending, twirling objects, walking backwards over steps, even sitting on and rubbing a giant pair of golden feet.  I was thankful for the brief, visual reminder of the history and culture of many of the Mongol people.  I have yet to see a church building and yet I have heard from believers the Lord has brought many to saving faith and the glory of His Name spreads.

I fly out tomorrow morning around 8:30 and will begin to teach when I arrive.  The classes will go from Tuesday to Saturday and then Monday to Thursday. God promises His Word will not return to Him empty but will accomplish what He pleases (Isaiah 55.11).  It is good to be reminded of the power of God's Word - in Canada and Mongolia.  Please pray for the church leaders of Mongolia as they serve on the frontlines, seeking to faithfully proclaim God's truth.

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