Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday in Mongolia

What is a church service like in Mongolia? While I’m sure they vary, I was able to worship in the large church in BYG. The church was packed with young and old, sitting on either benches or plastic stools. We began at 10 with opening comments followed by a time of singing - it was good to hear their enthusiastic and vibrant singing. This took us to a time of sharing. People would walk up to the front and tell their stories. At about 11:00, the pastor shared more requests for another 10 minutes and then I was invited to come and speak. I spoke from Psalm 51 looking at how to talk to God about our sin. I finished in about 20 minutes (I know, I know ...), not knowing how long they preach in the church. When I finished, some people came up front and shared some prayer requests, followed by people coming up and praying for them while the rest of the church sang. After a few more words, the people gave their gifts by coming up to the front of the church and placing their money in a large wooden box. After a few closing songs, the service ended at 12:15.

One of the great joys of being in Mongolia is to hear God's people worship in a different language. It is amazing to consider that the Word and grace of God has spread from Jerusalem to Canada and Mongolia - different sides of the world. It is good to be reminded of the greatness of God, His grace, and the spread of His kingdom.

In the afternoon, I had lunch with Idree, my translator, and 2 of the main church leaders in BYG. Afterwards, I went back to my hotel room and worked on the tests the students will take this coming Wednesday. It was an encouraging day remembering the vast expanse of God's work and all the people He has saved and is changing- all for His glory.


Ellen said...

Thanks for the updates. We continue to pray for you and the Mongolian people.

Anonymous said...

i visit Mongolia in August. Arrive UB on Wedndesday. Plan to join some ger to ger progrm (thursday), so maynot able to join Sunday service in UB, do you have any idea..any sunday service at ger? I haven't decide to join which can adjust my time if there is a sunday service near desert.

Anonymous said...

forgot to leave my email :

is is legitimate for distributing lifelet about christianity to nomads. They prefer English or Mongolian languages (I heard that they are learning English but lack of English learning materials).
God bless