Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Arrived in Bayonhangor

Arrived in Bayonhangor

After a few days delay, the final plane landed in BYG Monday around 2 in the afternoon. One of the remarkable and beautiful aspects of Mongolia is the endless desert - a rugged beauty from the heights of the plane. God's beauty is astounding as you observe hills and plains declarring His glory!

I was able to start teaching about an hour after I landed, missing only about 6 hours of teaching time after such a long delay. We are working our way through 2 Corinthians - Biblical Leadership In The Church. Today (my Tuesday), we will be watching as Paul lays out the foundation of the gospel message he first brought to the Corinthians. One of the challenges in teaching is to be able to communicate through the language barrier - to express the great truths of God's glorious grace through a translator. As I dialogue with the church leaders, I am learningn that there seems to be a large misunderstanding in the church that being a believer is going to church and consequently experiencing God's blessing. But the Lord has begun to work in the hearts of the leaders, giving them greater understanding of the gospel - the heart of sin and the marvel of forgiveness. I am praying today that the Lord uses 2 Corinthians to further strengthen the message of the gospel.

I am thankful to the Lord that since I have arrived he has given me some good rest (the first night here, I went to bed at 6:00, sleeping through until 6:00 the next morning - ready to run a marathon!!) and good health. The food in Mongolia can be heavy food for the stomach - they love their meat and the large pieces of juicy fat. I also continue to be thankful for GBC which has the opportunity to have a small voice in the early church here in BYG. Many of the church leaders come out of alcoholism and other deep seated spiritual battles over many generations. They sit for hours listening to God's Word desiring to be faithful leaders. I am also thankful for your prayers - God is gracious to hear.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking time to post when your time is so limited. Glad to hear that you finally got there and that only six hours of teaching/learning were lost!

Anonymous said...

Lifting you up David, appreciate the update!