Friday, November 24, 2006

Love the Truth

2 Thessalonians 2.10: They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.

What is interesting as Paul talks about those who are perishing is that he writes: they perish because they refused to love the truth He did not write: they perish because they refused to know the truth.

A chasm separates those who know the truth and those who love the truth. To know is not to love the truth. What sustains believers as they are presented by every sort of evil (2.10)? They will love the truth.

This must be the prayer of our hearts: Lord, do not just fill my brain with Bible knowledge but give me a great love for the truth so I will stand alone for you.

When you go to church this Sunday, may I humbly suggest that you pray before your pastor preaches - God, give me a love for the truth so that I may stand firm and bring you glory.

1 comment:

Janice Van Eck said...

Yes, what a difference there is in those 2 things! Experientially, we can know what is right, but when we really LOVE truth and love God, we will actually be empowered to DO what is right and overcome. Thanks for the exhortation!